PRLS 3210: Latin America
Readings / Schedule

Readings / Schedule

Readings / Schedule

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Ideas of Latin America: Where and What is Latin America

Chasteen, John Charles. 2016. “Welcome to Latin America” in Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America, 4th edition, 1-16. (password-protected PDF)

Tom Holloway, “Latin America: What’s in a Name?” in A Companion to Latin American History (Waltham, MA: Wiley/Blackwell, 2008)

Mapping – Explore Indigenous Map of Mexico and Central America

1492: An Ongoing Voyage (Library of Congress)

Week 3: History, Memory, and Entanglements of 1492 

Columbus, Christopher. “A Letter Concerning Recently Discovered Islands” (National Humanities Center)

Requerimiento (National Humanities Center)

In class debate: The People vs Columbus

Week 4 Shifting Narratives of “Discovery” and “Conquest”

Throughline podcast episode: “Tenochtitlan: A Retelling of the Conquest” (53 mins.) 

Mundy, Barbara E. “Mapping the Aztec capital: The 1524 Nuremberg map of Tenochtitlan, its sources and meanings.” Imago Mundi 50, no. 1 (1998): 11-33. (password-protected PDF)

Documentary (24 mins.) Columbus Didn’t Discover Us, 1985. Concord Media.

Week 5 Founding National Narratives of Colonialism and Mixture: Malinche and Paragacu

Tate, Julee. “La Malinche: The shifting legacy of a transcultural icon.” The Latin Americanist 61, no. 1 (2017): 81-92. (password-protected PDF)

Amado, Janaína. “Mythic Origins: Caramuru and the Founding of Brazil.” Hispanic American Historical Review 80, no. 4 (2000): 783-811. (password-protected PDF)

Week 6: Concepts of Race and Nation

Colonial Castas Paintings  

Wade, P. (2008). Race in Latin America. In A Companion to Latin American Anthropology, D. Poole (Ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 177-192.

Marisol de la Cadena, “Reconstructing Race: Racism, Culture and Mestizaje in Latin America” in NACLA Volume 34:6 (2001).

Week 7 Memory and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Activities using; read the overview

Assunção, Matthias Röhrig. “Street Capoeira and the Memorialization of Slavery in Rio de Janeiro.” Luso-Brazilian Review 59, no. 1 (2022): 143-180. (password-protected PDF)

Video Excerpts from Escrava Isaura and Lado a Lado

Week 8 Imagining raza in Cuba

Jose Marti, “My Race” [Mi raza], 1893.

Arrizón, Alicia. “Race-ing performativity through transculturation, taste and the mulata body.” Theatre Research International 27, no. 2 (2002): 136-152. (password-protected PDF)

Blackness in Latin America film on Cuba (PBS)

Week 9 Racial Democracy and Brazil

Gilberto Freyre, “The Meeting of Races in Portuguese America,” 1956.

Video: Brazil: A Racial Paradise? From Blackness in Latin America

Week 10 Beauty

Jarrín, Alvaro. “Towards a biopolitics of beauty: Eugenics, aesthetic hierarchies and plastic surgery in Brazil.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 24, no. 4 (2015): 535-552. (password-protected PDF)

Rahier, J.M. (2014). Blackness, the Racial-Spatial Order at Work, and Beauty Contest Politics: Señoras, Mujeres, Blanqueamiento, and the Negra Permitida.   In: Blackness in the Andes: Ethnographic Vignettes of Cultural Politics in the Time of Multiculturalism. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 121-146.

Documentary: The Beauty Factory (2013) – Venezuela

Week 11 Labor, Gender, and Race

Week 12 Telenovelas and Identity

Read: Porto, Mauro. “Telenovelas and representations of national identity in Brazil.” Media, Culture & Society 33, no. 1 (2011): 53-69. (password-protected PDF)

 Guaraná, Bruno. “Taís Araújo: The black Helena against Brazil’s whitening television.” Black Camera 10, no. 1 (2018): 42-66. (password-protected PDF)

Watch: Selections of telenovelas

Week 13 Sports

Archetti, Eduardo. 1999. “Introduction: Frameworks and Perspectives” in Masculinities: Football, Polo, and Tango in Argentina. New York: Berg Publishers. (password-protected PDF)

 “Why Doesn’t Argentina Have More Black Players in the World Cup?” The Washington Post.

Cleuci Oliveira,  “Is Neymar Black? Brazil and the Painful Relativity of Race.” New York Times, June 30, 2018.

 “Brazil’s iconic soccer shirt was a symbol of Bolsonaro” NPR.

Week 14 Social Movements and Politics

Indigenous Defenders

Black Feminist Tide

How Mexican Feminists Became Enemies of the State

Week 15 Class Discussions

Week 16 Class Recaps